We are a dynamic company whose main business is the provision of services for transhipment, loading, unloading and transhipping of various commodities. Guaranteeing high-quality services in the field of transhiping bulk cargo are transloading complexes with built-in rotary tipplers and fully automated transfer technology. In the winter, we provide defrosting of the transported material in two defrosting halls, and at the same time offer to the customers the possibility of using the technical humidification in order to temporarily prevent bul carko freezing during transport to the final customer. For the transfer of ingots, sheets, rolls, wood and general cargo, the company has double girder portal crane 50t / 12,5t / 31 + 8m.
Since 2009, we have been operating in the rail transport sector as well. We are a licensed transport operator on the railroad. The locomotive park of the company consists of 30 electric and 7 diesel powertrains.
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19. 03. 2025
BTS Portál
Pridali sme vám odkaz na webovú aplikáciu Konti, pre zadávanie objednávok
Konti: https://btsportal.oltisgroup.cz/
Read more10. 10. 2024
Modernizácia terminálu kombinovanej dopravy Dobrá
V súčasnosti ZSSK CARGO v rámci prvej fázy projektu modernizácie
terminálu kombinovanej dopravy Dobrá realizuje potrebnú štúdiu
uskutočniteľnosti, pričom sa začali aj procesy posudzovania vplyvu na
životné prostredie a prípravy dokumentácie pre získanie územného
rozhodnutia. Spoločnosť uspela v žiadosti o nenávratný finančný
príspevok z programu n